Swainson's Hawks Over Borrego Valley, February 2009

Swainson's Hawk by Eric Kallen, 27 February 2009

Borrego Valley Hawkwatch 28 February 2009

Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-6
TV's -2

Discussion: All the SW's began aerial feeding shortly after 9A. Both the SW's and TV's probably roosted near the date farm.

Unofficial totals for February:
Swainson's Hawks-146-just over 68% of average (213)
Turkey Vultures-318-just over 96% of average (332)
Red-tailed Hawks-10-average (10)
Red-shouldered Hawk-1-First migrant recorded at the watch
Sharp-shinned Hawk-1
Cooper's Hawk-1
Prairie Falcon-1

Total Raptors counted in February-478

We have used figures from the complete data 2004-2008 to produce the numbers above.

Evening Watch: Although we did not see any apparent migrants last night, we did have feeding Swainson's Hawks today and a few TV's. A Peregrine Falcon and 4 Swainson's Hawks were observed. The roost site for the SW's was not determined.

Predictions: March is historically our busiest migration period. The peak of migration occurs around the middle of the month.

Directions to Day Site | Directions to Evening Site

Borrego Valley Hawkwatch 27 February 2009

Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks 13
Red-tailed Hawks ??3
Red-shouldered Hawk ?1

Discussion: It appears that the SW's that we observed coming to roost last night did not descend into the date farm. They apparently roosted west of Pekoff farm. Only 13 SW's were counted today moving low to the west before migrating out of the valley. Eric Kallen took the photo below on Borrego Springs Road. This Swainson's and several others were close to the road this morning. None of the TV's observed yesterday evening could be found today.?

Evening Watch: No Swainson's Hawks or TV's were observed coming into the valley. Of course we have had surprise migrations in the past, so don't lose hope.

Directions to Day Site | Directions to Evening Site

roosting Turkey Vultures at the date farm

Borrego Valley Hawkwatch 26 February 2009

Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks 16
Turkey Vultures 11
Red-tailed Hawk 1
Prairie Falcon 1

Discussion: The winds early got the SW's up and feeding a little after 8A. The TV's had left their roost at the date farm before 8A and moved to De Anza golf course. We had a nice look at a Prairie Falcon moving north. At 8:45A the early SW's were joined by high flyers and left the valley. Finally the TV's moved north and out of the valley.

Evening Watch: A nice evening drop-in of Swainson's Hawks. At least 21 were counted. The hawks came in at 5:20P and stayed aloft until 5:55P. They descended into the west side of the date farm. Several TV's were observed early but not counted.

Predictions: Tomorrow we will see a nice lift-off of SW's and TV's. If you are joining us, watch the wind forecast as the hawks and TV's will take off early if it is windy. Somewhere between 7:45A and 9A the raptors will be on the move.

Directions to Day Site | Directions to Evening Site

Borrego Valley Hawkwatch 25 February 2009

Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-4
Turkey Vultures -88
Red-tailed Hawks -5
Cooper's Hawk -1

Discussion: A nice lift-off at 8:40A from the date farm. The TV's kettled up and streamed above the hawkwatch. They were joined by 4 Swainson's Hawks, all aerial feeding on ants. The Red-tailed Hawks moved through at the same time including one Cooper's Hawk.

Evening Watch: Only 11 TV's came into the date farm.

Predictions: Expect some TV's and hopefully SW's that may have come in late.

Directions to Day Site | Directions to Evening Site

Borrego Valley Hawkwatch 24 February 2009

Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-48
Turkey Vultures -66

Discussion: As predicted, the number of SW's and TV's exceeded the number counted coming into roost the evening before. At least half of the SW's may have roosted further east of the date farm. At 8:45A several Swainson's Hawks circled up and began feeding on flying ants. Below are a female and male ants copulating. Stretched head to head they are about 3/4 of an inch in length. Are the SW's selecting a bigger package (2 for 1 deal)? We don't know. Reports are coming in of flying ants throughout the valley.

The early migration we are witnessing is interesting. Climatic weather changes? Flying ants?

Evening Watch: This evening at least 45 TV's came into the date farm to roost. No Swainson's were observed, however some may have come in late. Some may have roosted again to the east.

Predictions: Watch for a nice kettle of TV's tomorrow with hopes for SW's as well.

Directions to Day Site | Directions to Evening Site

Borrego Valley Hawkwatch 23 February 2009

Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-13
Turkey Vultures- 22

Discussion: The Turkey Vultures moved about the valley for an hour before departing at 9:15A. They left in loose groups of 1,2 and 3. The SW's kettled up and began feeding at 9:30A. They fed on flying ants for almost an hour before departing the valley. Although we didn't have a lot of raptors, the close approach of the Swainson's made up for lack of numbers.

Evening Watch: Another good arrival this evening. Over 50 TV's and anywhere from 25-50 Swainson's Hawks came into the valley late and are roosting at the date farm.

Predictions: Tomorrow should be a fine day to watch both the TV's and SW's take off. The Swainson's Hawks will probably linger in the valley aerial feeding on flying ants. Take off will depend on wind velocity, anywhere from 8-9:30A. Temperatures still continue in the upper 70's so wildflowers are beginning to show up in numbers. Sphinx moth caterpillars have not been found yet but are due in a few weeks. When available the Swainson's Hawks will ground feed on the caterpillars.

Directions to Day Site | Directions to Evening Site

Borrego Valley Hawkwatch 22 February 2009

Migration Today: No hawks counted migrating today

Discussion: The Turkey Vultures that came in last night spent the day in the area. The weather remained cloudy all day with little wind.

Evening Watch: This evening we watched 5 TV's relocate from the Ellis Farm to the Date Farm. Additionally at least 10 TV's remained at Ellis. Five Swainson's Hawks also flew into the Date Farm from Ellis.

Predictions: Tomorrow should be better for migration. We expect a partly cloudy day with light wind. At least 15 TV's and 5 SW's were counted in roosts. From past experience there probably are more Swainson's in the area.

Directions to Day Site | Directions to Evening Site

Borrego Valley Hawkwatch 21 February 2009

Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawk-1

Discussion: We have had very little migration over the past few days. Hopefully with the TV's that came in today we will see more Swainson's. A Prairie Falcon flew past the watch today but did not migrate. Flying ants were observed today (a favorite food of the Swainson's Hawks).

Evening Watch: 17 Turkey Vultures flew in and are roosting in a dead tamarisk northwest of the date farm. Swainson's Hawks and TV's often fly together so it is possible that some SW's are in the area.

Prediction: Look for the TV's and keep a lookout for more SW's.

Directions to Day Site | Directions to Evening Site

Borrego Valley Hawkwatch 18 February 2009

Migration Today:
16 Swainson's Hawks
12 Turkey Vultures
1 Red-tailed Hawk
1 Sharp-shinned Hawk

Discussion: At 9 a.m., SW's kettled up from the date farm. TV's streamed in from the East to join the kettle. We did not see SW's Tuesday evening. We did see the TV's come in to roost. Often SW's will come in later, even after dark. This is the second early migration in a week.

To view all of the count data for our hawkwatch and most hawkwatches across North America, go to Hawkcount.org. Scroll down to Borrego Valley and take a look at data going back as far as 2003. Hawkcount.org is sponsored by Hawk Migration Association of North America.

Evening Watch: This evening we had no apparent migrants come in to roost.

Predictions: We do not expect large numbers of migrant raptors tomorrow. However, we have been surprised in the past as SW's could come in late or roost elsewhere.

Directions to Day Site | Directions to Evening Site

Borrego Valley Hawkwatch 17 February 2009

Migration Today: Nothing

Discussion: Migrants were not expected today after the stormy weather yesterday.

Above is a picture of the "Hawk Hill". If you have an endearing name for this structure, please share it with us. Every year Mike Spikerman, the manager of Roadrunner Tree Farm, sends out a tractor to reconstruct the hill. This year we can accommodate at least 10 people with scopes. Everyone must sign a waiver form once during your first visit.

The Borrego Valley Hawkwatch

Directions to the day site: Going east from downtown Borrego Springs on Palm Canyon Drive, take a left turn at DiGiorgio Rd. Travel 2.8 miles north to the site (right side of the road). Be careful that you don't park in a soft sand area. We will be at the site from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.daily. If it is windy we will be at the site as early as 6 a.m. Almost 90% of the migrants leave the valley between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.

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Directions to the evening site: Going east from downtown Borrego Springs on Palm Canyon Drive, take a left at the stop sign at Borrego Valley Rd. Travel 1.5 miles north past the date farm on the left to a dune on the right. Again watch out for soft sand. We are asking everyone to come up to the dune from the south side to protect the windward side.

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Evening Watch: This evening we did have 12 TV's come into the date farm.

Predictions: The weather will be warmer with light wind tomorrow. At least 12 TV's will probably migrate.

It is still early for migration. Mid-March is the peak period. If you plan to come to Borrego Springs for the Hawkwatch and flowers, make an early hotel reservation. Weekends are going to be crazy this year because of the wildflowers. Predictions for the flowers this spring are excellent to remarkable.

The flowers. The desert is green already. More rain is predicted Sunday and Monday. I saw a White-lined Sphinx Moth today, of which the caterpillar stage is a favorite of Swainson's Hawks.

Borrego Valley Hawkwatch 10 February 2009

Migration Today: Swainson's Hawks (SW)-29 Turkey Vultures(TV)-100

Discussion: Although it is very early in the season, migration has begun. We were alerted to kettling SW's and TV's yesterday evening. SW's settled into the date farm and Pekoff Farm on Borrego Springs Road for the night. Today at 9 a.m., kettles of SW's and TV's began to form. Mixed kettles were observed from at least 2 different sites. The official count will begin Sunday Feb 15. The weekend weather is predicted to be unsettled with the possibility of rain. Following periods of rain and wind we have had good migration.

Borrego Valley Hawkwatch 8 February 2009

Turkey Vultures have moved through the Borrego Valley in numbers during the past few days. Swainson's Hawks are sure to follow soon. The official startup date for the count is February 15.

We have experienced enough rain to predict a decent wildflower season. It may rain again tomorrow. With the flowers come both caterpillars (White-lined Sphinx Moths) and flying ants. Although Swainson's Hawks certainly feed on the insects, we do not know for certain if this is the attraction for the SW migration pattern. We do know that the hawks linger in the valley and are easily observed during a bloom/insect season.

If you are planning a trip to Borrego Springs this spring, remember, book rooms at hotels early because of the potential wildflower extravaganza. Mid-March to the end of March produces the best Swainson's flights.

Anza-Borrego Desert Natural History Association
P O BOX 310 ( 652 Palm Canyon Drive) Borrego Springs, CA 92004-0310

Office 760-767-3052 | Desert Store & Nature Center 760-767-3098 | FAX 760-767-3099